Kent Library Conduct Policy
Southeast Missouri State University’s Kent Library is an important and valued location for students, faculty, staff and community guests looking for resources and a quiet place to study. Unfortunately, access to services and collections as well as quiet study time can be disrupted periodically by an unruly patron. When this happens, it becomes necessary to have rules in place to deal with these and like issues.
Consequently, behavior or conditions that threaten the safety and security of others or disrupt the orderly use of Southeast Missouri State University’s Kent Library is prohibited and will not be tolerated.
The following parameters for dealing with disruptive patrons extend to all units within Kent Library’s purview, including Special Collections & Archives, the Heather MacDonald Greene Multimedia Center and the Arts Resource Center at the River Campus.
Disruptive actions, behavior and conditions include, but are not limited to:
- Creating excessive noise and refusing to quiet down;
- Distracting library users or staff by wearing inappropriate attire for public spaces;
- Bothering Kent Library users or staff with inappropriate conversations or monopolizing their time to the extent users or staff are uncomfortable;
- Using or being under the influence of tobacco, alcohol or controlled substances;
- Threatening or harassing others, including verbal, sexual or physical attacks;
- Using personal belongings, not essential for normal library use, in Kent Library; examples include but are not limited to: bicycles, hover boards, rollerblades, sleeping bags, small kitchen appliances, and other items inappropriate for library use.
- Threatening or disruptive behavior by anyone may result in temporary or permanent suspension of all library privileges; such actions can also result in temporary or permanent expulsion from Kent Library or the River Campus Arts Resource Center;
- Threatening or disruptive behavior by Southeast Missouri State University students may be handled by Kent Library staff or may be referred to the Southeast Missouri State University Department of Public Safety, depending on the behavior. These cases will also be referred to the Office of Student Conduct or the Dean of Students;
- Inappropriate actions, behaviors and disruptions caused by community guests and other non-University affiliated users may be handled by Kent Library staff or Southeast Missouri State University Department of Public Safety officers;
- Inappropriate actions or behaviors by University employees will be referred to the employee’s supervisor and University Human Resources.
Southeast Missouri State University Anti-Harassment/Business Policy and Procedure Manual
Southeast Procedures for Defining and Adjudicating Sexual Violence Cases Involving Students
Parts of this policy have been borrowed from Wright State University, Dayton OH
Revised 5/6/2021