Information sources on Open Educational Resources (OER) including background information, collections of existing OER, creation tools, pedagogical application and academic literature
Adoption Finder: Find the OER Textbook for your CourseNow instructors can more easily find open textbooks that best fit their curriculum with the Adoption Finder, a new tool that helps identify open textbooks used at colleges, institutes, and universities in B.C.
BC Campus Open EdOpen textbooks, many reviewed by British Columbia faculty.
Galileo Open TextbooksAffordable Learning Georgia initiative textbooks and instructional materials.
LibreTexts: Free the TextbookTextbooks are available in biology, business, chemistry, engineering, geosciences, humanities, mathematics, medicine, photosciences, physics, social sciences, and statistics. Some textbooks include exercises and experiments.
LibreTexts ADAPTLibreTexts new open homework and assessment system, ADAPT, has questions that would likely work for this course; we still need to build the problem sets. You can request an access code to set up a free account by emailing:
Lumen LearningSearch the ISBN for your current textbook and a locate a comparable title. Includes instructor resources.
Milne Open TextbooksMilne Open Textbooks (formerly SUNY) is an open access textbook publishing initiative established by State University of New York libraries.
MIT Open CoursewareExplore OCW's coverage of the MIT undergraduate curriculum. Courses are openly licensed.
NCBI BookshelfFrom the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the NCBI Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare.
OAPEN LibraryThe OAPEN Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences. OAPEN works with publishers to build a quality controlled collection of open access books, and provides services for publishers, libraries and research funders in the areas of deposit, quality assurance, dissemination, and digital preservation.
OER by Discipline DirectoryBook Description:
The BCcampus Open Education OER by Discipline Directory lists a wide range of open educational resources organized by discipline. This directory is updated as new resources are identified. Note that textbooks in the B.C. Open Textbook Collection are not included in this directory.
OER by Discipline Guide: McMaster UniversityThe OER by Discipline Guide: McMaster University is an in-progress (open creation) that lists a broad range of open educational resources organized by disciplines at McMaster University.
Open CultureDownload 800 free eBooks to your Kindle, iPad/iPhone, computer, smart phone or ereader. Collection includes great works of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, including works by Asimov, Jane Austen, Philip K. Dick, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Neil Gaiman, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Virginia Woolf & James Joyce.
Open Knowledge RepositoryThe World Bank is the largest single source of development knowledge. The World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products.
OpenStaxOpenStax provides peer-reviewed, open textbooks and instructor resources.
Open Textbook LibrarySearch hundreds of complete, open college-level textbooks. Many include peer-reviews.
Open Textbooks in OER CommonsISKME's digital librarians have curated collections of Open Textbooks and full courses to help leverage OER in your classroom.
PDXOpenThe Library publishes open educational resources (OERs) and open access textbooks to reduce the cost of higher education for students. We work with PSU faculty to publish high-quality open access textbooks designed specifically for their courses that are free to students at our university and to anyone in the world.
Pressbooks DirectoryThe Pressbooks Directory works by collating public books created on PressbooksEDU networks and allowing users to search the metadata written by the authors of the books. Search by natural language and/or use faceted search to filter books by subject, license, network, language, publisher, word count, number of H5P activities, and more.
Saylor AcademySaylor Academy is a nonprofit initiative working since 2008 to offer free and open online courses to all who want to learn. We offer nearly 100 full-length courses at the college and professional levels.
Standard eBooksThe Standard Ebooks project is a volunteer driven, not-for-profit effort to produce a collection of accessible, open source, and free public domain ebooks. All the ebooks we produce are distributed free of cost and free of U.S. copyright restrictions.
TU Delft OpenCourseWareThese materials are organized as courses, and often include course planning materials and evaluation tools as well as thematic content. OpenCourseWare are free and openly licensed, accessible to anyone, anytime via the internet.
British Library Flickr photostreamOver 1 million scans of illustrations from 17th through 19th century books. The illustrations are also linked to PDFs of the books they come from.
ccMixterThis is a community music remixing site featuring remixes and samples licensed under Creative Commons licenses.
Citizen DJCitizen DJ is officially open to the public and all sounds on this website are completely free-to-use for your remixing needs.
Content Directories - CC wikiSources of OER content arranged by media (audio, video, etc) and specific collection. For example, the site features CC licensed pictures of cars arranged by make & model.
Creative Commons SearchSearch tool for images, video, and music/audio usable under a creative commons license.
eLabFTW: Electronic Lab NotebookWith eLabFTW you get a secure, modern and compliant system to track your experiments efficiently but also manage your lab with a powerful and flexible database.
Free Music ArchiveMusic in a variety of genres, much available under the Creative Commons license (check participating artists' pages for specifics).
incompetechLocate royalty free music and Creative Commons music.
LibriVox Public Domain Audio CollectionLibriVox - founded in 2005 - is a community of volunteers from all over the world who record public domain texts: poetry, short stories, whole books, even dramatic works, in many different languages. All LibriVox recordings are in the public domain in the USA and available as free downloads on the internet.
NappyFree high-resolution photos of people of color.
The Noun Project: Icons for EverythingCreate an account for unlimited free icons as long as you give them attribution. Helpful for instruction, info-graphics, promotional fliers, and presentations.
OpenverseIndexing and searching media, such as audio and video that are Creative Commons licensed or is in the public domain
Smithsonian Open AccessDownload, share, and reuse millions of the Smithsonian’s images. Access nearly 3 million 2D and 3D digital items from our collections—with many more to come. This includes images and data from across the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, nine research centers, libraries, archives, and the National Zoo
TED-EdTED-Ed — TED's youth and education initiative — aims to spark and celebrate the ideas and knowledge-sharing of teachers and students around the world. Resources are licensed CC BY -- NC -- ND 4.0 International unless otherwise noted.
UnsplashCreative Commons licensed and public domain photos.
Wikiview.netSearch Wikimedia Commons for over 55 million Creative Common Licensed images. Search by keywords, colors, license, or uploaded images.
EuropeanaDiscover Europe’s digital cultural heritage: Search, save and share art, books, films and music from thousands of cultural institutions
H2O Harvard Law Casebook CollectionH2O is a free platform for making, sharing, and remixing open-licensed casebooks and other course materials. It is developed and maintained by the Library Innovation Lab at the Harvard Law School Library. With H2O, educators can drastically reduce textbook costs for their students, gain control over their course materials, and collaborate toward new approaches to law school curriculum.
Hathi TrustHathiTrust was founded in 2008 as a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries now preserving 18+ million digitized items in the HathiTrust Digital Library. We offer reading access to the fullest extent allowable by U.S. and international copyright law, text and data mining tools for the entire corpus, and other emerging services based on the combined collection.
Index of OER ResourcesExtensive list of resources (including some of the above) from the Creative Commons website.
The Mason OER Metafinder (MOM)The Mason OER Metafinder helps you find Open Educational Resources. Unlike other OER discovery sites with Metafinder you aren’t searching a static database that we’ve built. Instead, the OER Metafinder launches a real-time, simultaneous search across 21 different sources of open educational materials as you hit the Search button. Please be aware, searches locate the first 100 relevant resources and are based on the searched site's metadata.
MerlotA repository of digital learning objects from a wide variety of disciplines. Many are peer-reviewed
National Science Digital LibraryThe National Science Digital Library provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines—both formal and informal, institutional and individual, in local, state, national, and international educational settings.
OASISOpenly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) is a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. OASIS currently searches open content from 73 different sources and contains 171,366 records.
OER CommonsA repository of over 44,000 OER from across the curriculum and in a variety of material types. This site also provides a means for publishing OER material (See the 'Creating' tab). Southeast Missouri State University belongs to this repository. We are in the MOBIUS Hub.
OERs from The Internet ArchiveHighlights recently reviewed items, most downloaded items and includes a discussion forum.
OERSI - Open Educational Resources Search Indexa search engine for free educational materials in higher education. As a central search entry point, OERSI connects OER repositories of distributed state initiatives, institutional repositories of universities and libraries, and subject-specialized repositories for OER.
OERuThe Open University provides distance learning.
Open MichiganAccess a range of course materials, videos, lectures, student work and more.
OpenOregonOpen Oregon Educational Resources promotes textbook affordability for community college and university students, and facilitates widespread adoption of open, low-cost, quality materials.
Open Social WorkBuilding information equity in social work with open educational resources and open access to research
OPENTXOER used by higher education institutions in Texas and across the country.
QUBESSite for STEM OER/Open Pedagogy. Includes lab exercises, assignments, teaching resources, learning communities, peer mentoring networks, and more.
ROAM: Repository of Open and Affordable MaterialsROAM offers high-quality learning materials written by Penn State faculty. These materials are freely available for you to use, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute under a Creative Commons license.
The World Bank Open Knowledge Repositoryhe World Bank Open Knowledge Repository (OKR) is The World Bank’s official open access repository for its research outputs and knowledge products.
Data.govThe home of the U.S. Government’s open data. Here you will find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design data visualizations, and more.
Education Resources from Government AgenciesThis site identifies government information (documents, databases, resources) produced by local, state, Federal, and international governmental organizations for use by K-12 teachers and students.
Eight Smithsonian Digital Educational ResourcesEach of the Smithsonian’s 19 museums, galleries, research centers and the National Zoo has its own webpage dedicated to educational resources. To help readers sort through the 1.7 million multimedia experiences available, Smithsonian magazine has curated the following list of eight online tools.
Free Online Canvas Modules and Resources from Econ LowdownEcon Lowdown offers over 400 no-cost teaching resources for elementary, middle, high school and college. You can assign and grade free online modules, videos, audio and readings with Q&A—right in the Canvas platform you’re familiar with. CC BY NC ND 4.0
Free Publications - U.S. Bureau of International Information ProgramsFree-to-use publications, including books and pamphlets from the U.S. Department of State. Categories include About America, Democracy, Education, English Learning, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Health, Human Rights, Science & Technology, and Women & Girls.
The Giant Bible of Mainz Digitized by the Library of CongressThe Giant Bible is famous for having been copied by a single scribe, who precisely dated his progress between April 4, 1452, and July 9, 1453
New scholarship points to Mainz as the place of origin for both the Giant Bible and the Gutenberg Bible
In its digital form, the Giant Bible of Mainz can now be accessed by people across the globe and will be preserved for future generations
Government Documents by Type: FederalThere are many types of government information. From agency reports to appropriations, census data to Supreme Court decisions, it comes in many formats and covers almost every topic. This list is arranged alphabetically by document type. For more information on federal, state or local government information, use links in the left navigation bar.
Government Information at Kent LibraryKent Library is a congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government documents. Public access to the government documents collection is guaranteed by public law. (Title 44 United States Code)
Library of Congress Digital CollectionsCategorized primary source material digitized by the Library of Congress - books & other text documents, sheet music, photographs, maps and more.
Newsreels at the National ArchivesThe newsreel and newsreel-like holdings at the National Archives (NARA) document a broad range of American and World history spanning nearly a century.
NIGMS Science EducationFindings and other NIGMS publications can be used to enhance knowledge provided in textbooks and lecture materials in high school science courses, including introductory biology, honors/advanced placement biology, anatomy, science and technology, chemistry, health, and others.
Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)Quality-controlled scientific and scholarly open-access journals, covering a wide range of subjects and many languages. access scientific and scholarly journals.
American YawpA Massively Collaborative Open U.S. History Textbook for High School Students.
Artful ThinkingThe Artful Thinking program is designed to be used by the regular classroom teacher. It has two broad goals: (1) To help teachers create rich connections between works of art and curricular topics; and (2) to help teachers use art as a force for developing students’ thinking dispositions.
Ben's Guide to the U.S. GovernmentBen's Guide to the U.S. Government, a service of the Government Publishing Office (GPO), is designed to inform students, parents, and educators about the Federal Government, which issues the publications and information products disseminated by the GPO’s Federal Depository Library Program.
DocsTeachThe online tool for teaching with documents, from the National Archives. Access thousands of primary sources (letters, photographs, speeches, posters, maps, videos, etc.) spanning the course of American history.
EdTech BooksEducational technology books for instruction
FreeReading (K-3)Provides a library of activities and other curricular resources for literacy development.
Government Information for ChildrenThe GIC site identifies government information (documents, databases, resources) produced by local, state, Federal, and international governmental organizations for use by K-12 teachers and students.
Library of Congress for TeachersThe Library of Congress offers classroom materials and professional development to help teachers effectively use primary sources from the Library's digital collections in their teaching. Find lesson plans and more that meet Common Core standards, state content standards, and the standards of national organizations.
Michigan Open Book ProjectMichigan Open Book Project brings free open textbooks to Michigan K-12 students.
Missouri OER CommonsMissouri's statewide platform for open educational resources (OER). Here, educators can collaborate to discover, create, and share openly licensed content.
MIT Open Courseware for High SchoolMIT offers humanities, arts, and social science courses that are of interest to high school educators and students.
OER CommonsOER Commons is a public digital library of open educational resources. Explore, create, and collaborate with educators around the world to improve curriculum. Search by subject and grade level.
Open-Up ResourcesOpen Up Resources began as the K-12 OER Collaborative, a 13-state initiative to address quality gaps in the curriculum market. We partnered with math and ELA experts to design the standards-aligned core programs. Resources are published under CC BY.
OpenSciEdOpenSciEd is a nonprofit organization that brings together educators, philanthropic organizations, curriculum developers, and professional development providers to improve science education through the development and implementation of freely available science instructional materials.
SciJinks: It's All About the Weather!Launched in 2002, NOAA SciJinks inspires and engages students to learn about weather, satellite meteorology and Earth science. Our fun articles, games and videos are targeted toward middle- and high-school aged students and their educators.
SiyavulaThis organizations provides math and science books for grades 4-12.
Space Place: Explore Earth and Space!Launched in 1998, NASA Space Place's mission is to inspire and enrich upper-elementary-aged kids' learning of space and Earth science online through fun games, hands-on activities, informative articles and engaging short videos. With material in both English and Spanish and resources for parents and teachers, NASA Space Place has something for everyone.
Statistics in Schools: Classroom Powered by Census DataSKIP HEADER
United States Census Bureau
Parents, caregivers and teachers: Explore this page for at-home or distance learning activities.
Statistics in Schools (SIS) brings school subjects to life using real-world Census Bureau statistics to create materials for use year after year for K-12 students. Explore this site for engaging resources and activities in social studies, math, English, geography, sociology and more. is designed to help K–12 history teachers access resources and materials to improve U.S. history education in the classroom.
Art History Teaching Resources (AHTR)AHTR is a peer-populated platform for art history teachers. AHTR is home to a constantly evolving and collectively authored online repository of art history teaching content including, but not limited to, lesson plans, video introductions to museums, book reviews, image clusters, and classroom and museum activities. The site promotes discussion and reflection around new ways of teaching and learning in the art history classroom through a peer-populated blog, and fosters a collaborative virtual community for art history instructors at all career stages.
ArtxHistoryArtxHistory is an education resource of commonly available images, videos, mini-lectures and scholarship of the decades which influenced or defined the mid-century through contemporary art. Most links are concise in content, of prevalent works of art in the early or mature stage of an artist's career, sourced from museum, academic, journalistic and for profit institutions.
CurationistCurationist is a free online resource that brings together arts and culture communities to find, share, collaborate, and reimagine cultural narratives.
SmarthistorySmarthistory is a collaborative of more than five hundred art historians, curators, archaeologists, and artists who contribute because they believe that high-quality art history should be available to everyone. Smarthistory takes you inside museums and outside to ancient temples and engages in conversations about how to interpret and understand the images you’re seeing. Smarthistory brings you into the conversation.
ASL-LEX 2.0ASL-LEX is a database of lexical and phonological properties of American Sign Language signs.
Center for Open Educational Resources and Language LearningThe Center for Open Educational Resources & Language Learning (COERLL) is one of 16 National Foreign Language Resource Centers (LRC's) funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The centers work to improve the teaching and learning of foreign languages by producing resources that can be profitably employed in a variety of settings.
iLuminaA digital library of sharable undergraduate teaching materials for chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, and computer science. Created by the National Science Digital Library, iLumina is designed to quickly and accurately connect users with the educational resources they need. These resources range in type from highly granular objects such as individual images and video clips to entire courses.
Free Music ArchiveMusic in a variety of genres, much available under the Creative Commons license (check participating artists' pages for specifics).
incompetechLocate royalty free music and Creative Commons music.
International Music Score Library ProjectIMSLP gathers public domain music scores, in addition to the music scores of all contemporary composers (or their estates) who wish to release them to the public free of charge.
NCBI BookshelfFrom the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the NCBI Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare.
OER Nursing Essentials (O.N.E.) ProjectThis group's purpose is to serve as an information hub for the OER Nursing Essentials (O.N.E.) Project, a collaboration between Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) and OpenStax at Rice University. The O.N.E. Project consists of three distinct project phases - Discovery Phase, Planning Phase, and Implementation Phase. Join the group to stay informed about the project and collaborate with others.
Open RNThe Open RN project is funded by a $2.5 million dollar grant from the Department of Education to create 5 OER Nursing Textbooks with 25 associated Virtual Reality scenarios.
University of Pitsburgh's Pathology Case StudiesAll of them include imagery and case notes, with separate links to diagnoses and outcomes which I think would make them extremely valuable teaching tools.
Virginia Tech Carilion School of MedicineAll of the texts in this series are designed for a pre-clinical medical curriculum and are aligned to USMLE(r) (United States Medical Licensing Examination) content guidelines and meant to provide the essential information in a concise format that would allow learner preparation to engage in an active classroom.
NobaNoba provides psychology textbooks and supplementary materials.
Christian Church History: TimelineThis guide was created by faculty, staff, and students at Ashland Theological Seminary with funding from the Atla OER Grant Program. This OER can be used to replace a timeline textbook in courses on church history. Content licensed CC-BY-NC.
BioInteractiveReal science, real stories, and real data to engage students in exploring the living world.
Chem Collective (Carnegie Mellon University)The ChemCollective is a collection of virtual labs, scenario-based learning activities, tutorials, and concept tests. Teachers can use our content for pre-labs, for alternatives to textbook homework, and for in-class activities for individuals or teams. Students can review and learn chemistry concepts using our virtual labs, simulations, and tutorials.
iLuminaA digital library of sharable undergraduate teaching materials for chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics, and computer science. Created by the National Science Digital Library, iLumina is designed to quickly and accurately connect users with the educational resources they need. These resources range in type from highly granular objects such as individual images and video clips to entire courses.
MedEdPORTALA free publication service by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) and the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) of peer-reviewed medical education materials. Licensed under Creative Commons open licenses.
National Science Digital LibraryThe National Science Digital Library provides high quality online educational resources for teaching and learning, with current emphasis on the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines—both formal and informal, institutional and individual, in local, state, national, and international educational settings.
NCBI BookshelfFrom the National Center for Biotechnology Information, the NCBI Bookshelf provides free online access to books and documents in life science and healthcare.
QUBESThe QUBES platform hosts hundreds of biology teaching materials, reference materials, and cloud-based software free to use and adapts using open Creative Commons licenses.
Open Social WorkBuilding information equity in social work with open educational resources and open access to research