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American Association of School Administrators: AASA
AASA is the association for school system leaders and serves as a national voice for public education and district leadership on Capitol Hill
American Educational Research Association: AERA
The American Educational Research Association (AERA), a national research society, strives to advance knowledge about education, to encourage scholarly inquiry related to education, and to promote the use of research to improve education and serve the public good.
American Federation of Teachers
The American Federation of Teachers is a union of professionals that promotes public education, healthcare and public services for our students, their families and our communities.
American School Counselor Association: ASCA
The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) supports school counselors' efforts to help students focus on academic, career and social/emotional development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
ASCD empowers educators to achieve excellence in learning, teaching, and leading so that every child is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenged.
Association of School Business Officials: ASBO
The Association of School Business Officials of Maryland and the District of Columbia is a professional organization which provides programs and services to promote high standards of school business practices through professional development, recognition, and the effective management of available resources.
International Literacy Association
The International Literacy Association (ILA) is a global organization of more than 300,000 literacy educators, researchers, and experts across 86 countries that publishes research; sets standards for literacy; appreciates educators; and advocates for funding and policies that support the literacy needs of school systems, teachers, and students across the globe.
International Literacy Association: ILA
The International Literacy Association (ILA) is a professional organization connecting research and practice to continuously improve the quality of literacy instruction across the globe.
National Association of Elementary School Principals: NAESP
The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), founded in 1921, is a professional organization serving elementary and middle school principals and other education leaders throughout the United States, Canada, and overseas.
National Association of Secondary School Principals: NASSP
The National Association of Secondary School Principals is a national organization of and voice for middle level and high school principals, assistant principals, and aspiring school leaders from across the United States and more than 45 countries around the world.
National Council for the Social Studies
Founded in 1921, National Council for the Social Studies is the largest professional association in the country devoted solely to social studies education.
National Council of Teachers of English
The National Council of Teachers of English works to improving the teaching and learning of English and the language arts at all levels of education
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics advocates for high-quality mathematics teaching and learning for each and every student.
National Council on Measurement in Education
The National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME) is a professional organization for individuals involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement.
National Education Association
The National Education Association (NEA), the nation's professional employee organization, is committed to advancing public education
National Rural Education Association
The NREA is the voice of rural schools and rural communities across the United States.
National Science Teaching Association
The National Science Teaching Association works to improve science instruction and increase public awareness of science education.