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Selecting Search Engines

A collection of general and specialized web search engines.

Try a New Search Engine

 There are hundreds of search engines on the web, with different specializations, benefits, and limitations. Some are designed for lots of day-to-day searches, and some are really good at specific tasks. No one search engine is the best choice for all searches. 

This guide will help you find the best search engine for your need. It is organized by types of search engines. 

For each search engine you will get
  • A description of what it searches and its special features.
  • Links to the web interface(s) and any apps.
  • Information on how to use it effectively when available.

Types of Search Engines


Searches music, podcasts, or other sound formats. 


Searches for words in books or finds free access to books.  


Searches music, podcasts, or other sound formats, and for static and animated pictures. 


Searches free video collections. 


Searches the entire web. Looks for many formats of information.

Change the Default Search Engines in Your Browser

Most browsers allow you to change the default search engine that is used in the URL bar. Brave, Chrome, and Firefox even give you the option to search multiple search engines in the URL bar.

Pick your favorite browser below to learn how to change the default search engine: