Searches for individual episodes and whole shows covering your search topic.
Filters in results allow you to look for podcasts by category, language, location, length, and recency. You can also control what field Listen Notes searches in (i.e. the title, the description, the author, & the audio).
You can make clips parts of a podcast episode and share it (requires creating account)
At the bottom of your search results you can sign up to get alerts for new results for that search (requires creating account).
Listen Later allows you to create playlists of podcast episodes that can be exported to podcast apps (requires creating account).
Listen Explorer search lets you enter podcasts you like to get recommendations for new ones.
After a basic search, a filtering tool (title="Show or hide filters") will appear to the upper right of the results. You can filter results by image size, color, types of images, layout, how people appear in the images, by date, and by Creative Commons license to find the exact image you need.
Use Visual Search to look for images using an image you have already found.
Main search page allows you to check for images that can be used for commercial purposes and for images that can be modified or adapted.
On results page, a filter button to the upper right of the results brings up options to filter results by CC license or creator. You can also check a box to search by creator instead of by what is in the image.
Use reverse image search to upload an image to Google to find related images on the web. Click the camera icon (aria label "Search by image") to access reverse image search.
Click the "Tools" button on the results page to bring up options for finding images by type, size, color, when it was posed, and usage rights.
Advanced image search gives you additional options for finidng your image, including searching by the options provided in the "Tools" button.