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There are a number of U.S. governmental agencies that produce and aggregate international economic statistics. For many of these, the data will cover American economic relationships with other countries.
Brought to you by the CIA, the World Factbook covers basic statistics about every country in the world, including sections on their economies, communications systems, transportation networks, and energy sectors. Information in structures into country profiles and comparative country rankings.
Public domain image via Wikimedia Commons.
In partnership with the Treasury Department, the Census Bureau gathers statistics on imports to and exports from the United States. Data is broken down by partner country and region, by sector, and by states and metropolitan areas
The Census Bureau's data is used in some of the other data tools on this page.
Public domain image via Wikimedia Commons.
The Bureau of Economic Analysis's Country Facts are profiles that cover information about data relating to trade, investment, and multinational business enterprises related to the United States and a given country.
Public domain image via Wikimedia Commons.
The mission of the International Trade Administration is the strengthening and promotion of U.S. industry in international trade. Part of that mission includes maintaining the TradeStats Express database, which contains U.S. merchandise trade statistics. TradeStats Express is divided into two sections, National Trade Data and State Export Data.
Public domain image.