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Part of the Department of Commerce, the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is charged with "promot[ing] a better understanding of the U.S. economy by providing the most timely, relevant, and accurate economic accounts data in an objective and cost-effective manner" (citation).
The BEA tracks major national economic indicators, state and regional economic indicators, indicators by industry, and foreign trade and investment numbers.
A few important BEA tools and data services are described on this page.
Public domain image via Wikimedia Commons.
For a full list of all of BEA programs.
This page has the current releases of all of the BEA's major economic indicators in one place.
Most indicators are updated either monthly or quarterly. Each indicator will have a link to the full news release, which will have a "Related Materials" section with the full tables.
The BEA Regional Fact Sheets (BEARFACTS) lets you compare the economy of states, counties, and Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) to that of the United States as a whole. Use the More Detail tab(s) for complete data tables.
The BEA Industry Fact Sheets look at a sector of the U.S. economy's gross output and value added by quarter. Use the Data Table tab for links to full data tables.