alllows you to search libraries all over the world. Altogether, the combined number of items is in the tens of millions. If you find something on, you can actually request it be sent to Kent Library and can check it out through a process called Interlibrary loan: here's how to do that:
to make ILL requests, there’s a couple of setup steps you need to do first:
To create an account, look for the link in the top right of the page: you just need to supply an email address and choose a password – subsequently, make sure you sign in if you’re going to be making any ILL requests
Once you’re signed in, you can click on your username in the top right to edit your profile and most importantly here, choose favorite libraries: Worldcat uses location info to suggest libraries, so Southeast will probably be the first choice. Click on the star in the circle to designate it as a favorite library
After this, when doing a search, if Kent holds a given book that will be indicated, but if not you should see ‘view access options’
Which will in turn provide a link to the Kent Library/ILLiad ILL request form: you may be prompted to log in to the ILL system.
And the last step – the ILL form should come up with the bibliographic fields pre-populated, so all you need to do at this point is submit the form(you may need to sign in first) You'll be notified via emai when the iterm arrives