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PY230: Ethics and Diversity in Psychology

Diversity Definitions

Diversity Differences in people, ideas, etc.
Race Category of humankind with distinctive physical traits; Belonging to same family, tribe, people, nation; Class of people unified by shared interests, habits, characteristics
Culture (To include heritage, rites, traditions); Beliefs/customs of particular people group or society including ways of living, art, etc.
Ethnicity Belonging to race/group of people with same customs, religion, origins, etc; Culture within main culture of a country
Sex State of being male or female; Anatomical
Gender Behavioral, cultural, and psychological traits/expectations typically associated with one sex; (Includes gender identity, gender dysphoria, transgender, etc.)
Sexual Orientation Sexual preference or identity (usually as heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual)
Disability Condition/illness/injury that changes/limits physical or mental abilities
Physical Characteristics (To include weight, height, etc.); Body shape/size that impacts acceptance, experience, self-image, or invites attention
Religion Organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or gods
Social Class (Or socioeconomic status); Mix of income and access to systems (such as education, health, technology, transportation, medical, etc.
Age Time during with person has existed; Time of life with milestones; Impacts views and outlooks on life; (Includes cohort effects)
Language System of words/signs used by a particular people to express thoughts and feelings
Clothing/Dress Expressions of culture through choice of adornment
Education Knowledge/understanding gained from home training or school setting
Vocation/Work To include actual job/work; Desire to pursue particular work and reasons for pursuit
Political Stance Level of interest in politics/government; Level of political conservative or liberal (or in between) feelings
Rural/Urban Status Level to which location of upbringing or current residence influences values or outlook