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Fast Facts: Preventing Sexual Violence (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention))
Experiencing violence has a profound impact on lifelong health, opportunity, and well-being. Individuals exposed to violence are often at higher risk of developing physical and mental health conditions, experiencing other forms of violence, and experiencing educational or job challenges. CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention (DVP) has utilized and shared the best available data and conducted research to identify what works to prevent various forms of violence.
The Global Prevalence of Sexual Assault: A Systematic Review of International Research Since 2010
A review of peer-reviewed English-language studies conducted outside the United States and Canada on the prevalence of sexual assault victimization in adolescence and adulthood published since 2010.
MedLinePlus: Sexual Assault (National Library of Medicine)
MedlinePlus is an online health information resource for patients and their families and friends made available through the National Library of Medicine.
Missouri Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault Task Force Final Report
The Missouri Rights of Victims of Sexual Assault Task Force was created in statute during the 2020 Missouri legislative
session (SB 569 and Section 595.202 RSMo) and was charged with studying and identifying best practices to address
sexual assault. The Task Force met throughout 2021, created subcommittees to research specific areas identified in SB
569, conducted four public hearings, and collected feedback from a public comment survey. The Task Force received
testimony and information from approximately 100 individuals including both experts in the field of sexual assault and
survivors of sexual assault
Office for Victims of Crime (US Dept of Justice)
Through the Office for Victims of Crime, the Crime Victims Fund supports a broad array of programs and services that focus on helping victims in the immediate aftermath of crime and continuing to support them as they rebuild their lives.
Office on Violence Against Women (US Dept of Justice)
The Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) is a component of the U.S. Department of Justice. OVW implements the provisions of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and provides national leadership on the issues of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking.
Office on Women's Health (US Dept of Health and Human Services)
The Office on Women's Health (OWH) was established in 1991 within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). OWH coordinates women's health efforts across HHS and addresses critical women's health issues by informing and advancing policies, educating health care professionals and consumers, and supporting innovative programs. Learn more about who we are.
PTSD and Sexual Assault (US Dept of Veterans Affairs)
PTSD can occur after violence. Abuse or assault may be life-threatening, cause injury and have long-term effects. Learn more about different types of violence and abuse such as military sexual trauma (MST), race-based trauma and violence that occurs in the community.
Sexual Assault Awareness (US Dept of Justice)
The Office of Justice Programs is committed to providing victim-centered services to survivors of sexual assault, working to help individuals and communities access justice and working to prevent perpetration.
Sexual Violence Prevention Resource for Action (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
The CDC developed resource, Sexual Violence Prevention Resource for Action, helps communities take advantage of the best available evidence to prevent sexual violence.
Women Veterans Health Care: Sexual Assault (US Dept of Veterans Affairs)
If you have questions or can't find what you're looking for, you can call, text, or chat online with the Women Veterans Call Center (WVCC) at 855-829-6636 to get help and find available resources and services in your area.